How to Find Website What Program Languages it Used? (2025)

How to Read Website Source Code on Windows and Mac? Comprehensively Explained

| Updated at February 3, 2025

From Charles Babbage’s “Difference Machine” to the most powerful supercomputer, “El Captain,” the technical and programming domains have tremendously metamorphosed.

However, the source code is the fons et origo of these dimensions, which is the underlying code that establishes the base of the design and content of the program or webpage. 

Website Source Code

Though it looks like a paradox, the codes appear as a haphazard combination of cluttered variables and functions without any proper semantic understanding. But their symphonic arrangement brings a technical response when executed appropriately. Well, if you are wondering how to find a website and what program languages it uses, then it can also be checked through the source code page. 

However, accessing the website source code entails certain crucial steps to follow.

Let’s dive into the discussion and understand how to read source code on a computer.

Table of Contents:

What is a Source Code?

It is the set of instructions written for a program or a webpage using the programming languages. These codes provide an outline for how a webpage or a program should look and function on user commands.  The source code of the web page provides a crucial blueprint for the text images, elements, links, and the general layout of the page that appears before the user. The prominent web browsers have some similar and some different ways to access the website source code.However, the most genuine doubt popping up in this discussion is how to read it.Let’s learn to view it over different web browsers of respective operating systems.

View Source Code on Windows

Being simple, understandable, and possessing myriad optimization options, Windows has become the most used operating system over PCs or laptops, covering the majority of them.It is a versatile OS that flourishes diverse web browser options, out of which few are preferred over others.Let’s understand the procedure for getting the source code of the web page through view-source:chrome:// and more browsers.



Released in 2008, Chrome has taken over more than 60% of the web browser market, making it the most preferred one. This makes it highly important for us to understand how to view-source:chrome://. There are certain distinct ways to view the source code on Chrome. Let’s go through them sequentially. 

View Source Code:

  • Keyboard Shortcuts
    For this, the user needs to press “Ctrl+U” on the keyboard to access the website source code.  
  • Without Using Keyboard
    1. Right-click on the blank space on the web page
      view source code on Chrome
    2. Select “View Page Source.”

View Page Source Through Elements: 

Accessing the source code this way provides an array of significant functions and features. For this, the following process will be instrumental. 

  1. Click on the 3 vertical dots in the top right corner of the Chrome window. 
  2. Now click on “More tools.”.
    view source code on Chrome
  3. Click on “Developer Tools.” 
    view source code on Chrome

This process will furnish a new panel that will provide supplementary features along with viewing the source code of the web page. Or else you can  just easily search view-source:chrome:// on chrome browser to get the complete source page. 


Edge Browser

The Edge browser, rechristened from “Internet Explorer,” has been the parent browser for the Windows operating system. Though not prominently used, it possesses high significance in performing crucial web surfing operations, which makes it essential to understand how to read website source code on Edge. View Source CodeUsing keyboard shortcuts: The user needs to simply press “Ctrl+U” on the keyboard, and a new window will appear, having the website source code. 

  • Without using the keyboard:
    1. Right-click in the blank space on the webpage. 
      view source code on Edge
    2. Click on “View page source.

View page source through elements:

      1. Click on the menu at the top right corner.
      2. Now click on “More Tools.
        view source code on Edge
      3. Click on “Developer Tools.”
        view source code on Edge
      4. Navigate to the “Elements” tab visible on the left side of the menu bar. 
        view source code on Edge

The above process of navigating to the elements can be executed by simply pressing “F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I” on the desired web page in Microsoft Edge.


 Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox was a choice of the masses a decade ago. However, the new browsers overtook the market, narrowing its reach and popularity. But it still possesses a huge fan base among certain groups. 

View source code

Through the keyboard: 

Pressing “Ctrl + U” on the keyboard takes the user to the source code page of the web page. 

Without using a keyboard: Right-click on the empty area and click on “View Page Source.”.

view source code on Firefox

View Page Source Code Through Elements

      1. Click on the menu at the top right corner , which will show a drop-down in which the user needs to click “More Tools.”
        view source code on Firefox
      2. Now navigate to “Web Developer Tools.”
        view source code on Firefox
      3. A special area at the bottom of the screen will appear. In it, click on the “Inspector” tab.
        view source code on Firefox

To simplify this process, Firefox has come up with a keyboard shortcut to reach it. By pressing F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I in Firefox, one can bypass the above process to go to the elements of the browser. 



Opera has been used as a prominent web browser on Windows as well as smartphones, increasing its reach and influence among internet surfers. It has certain simple steps to view the source code of the website, which are discussed below. 

View Source Code

Using the keyboard:

It can be done by pressing “Ctrl + U” after visiting the webpage. 

Without using the keyboard:

The user can simply right-click on the page. In the drop-down, click on “Page Source.”.

view source code on opera

View page source using elements:

        1. Click on the Opera menu icon at the top left corner. Click on the “Developer” option in the drop-down. 
          view source code on opera
        2. Now “Click Developer Tools.
          view source code on opera
        3. Go to the “Elements” tab. 
          view source code on opera

Again, Opera has made this labyrinthine task easy by developing the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+I” to reach the element windows. 

View Source Code on Mac

The popularity of Apple has proportionally induced the craze of Mac systems. They are known for their swift processing feature, which performs prompt operations with a single click. This vogue has a significant impact on certain features of its operating system, out of which the soaring usage of its web browser Safari is conspicuous. Going in the sequence, let’s discuss the process of how to read the website source code on Safari.



Safari is the parent web browser of the Mac system and is immensely used on laptops, iPhones, and iPads. Its access to the public is almost proportional to the reach of Apple devices. This web browser also provides the feature of viewing the website source code but has certain unique steps as discussed below. 

      1. Click on the Safari tab on the top left corner of the Safari window. 
        view source code on Safari
      2. Go to the “Advanced” tab. 
        view source code on Safari
      3. Now check the “Show Develop Menu in the Menu Bar” visible at the bottom of the window. 
        view source code on Safari
      4. The option of “Develop” will appear on the menu bar, as shown in the picture below. 
        view source code on Safari
      5. After clicking on the “Develop” tab, a drop-down will appear, in which the user needs to click on “Show Page Source.” 
        view source code on Safari

      Following it, a new window at the bottom half of the browser area will show the website source code and the other functions provided by Safari to access it. 

          • Debugging the Page Issues: The source code shows the elementary structure of the web page and any issue on the page can be addressed by going through it. Troubleshooting them is essential in making the page go smoothly on the web browser, thus facilitating a good user experience. 
          • Learn From the Code: This comprehensive code facilitates understanding every part of the page and examining them to fine-tune the basic web development knowledge. 
          • Using a Snippet From the Code: These codings are highly beneficial in taking out the good parts that can be sniped out and used. It helps in inspiring and adapting impressive improvements on other pages as well. 
          • SEO Optimization: Viewing source code is also an essential part of SEO optimization. The source code provides in-depth information about the page, which can be utilised for enhancing its indexing and ranking. 

            Benefits of Viewing the Website Source Code

            The foundational instruction set acts as the base of every character and content appearing on the page. Accessing this code has been considered highly crucial for certain reasons. 


      The source code of a page is highly instrumental in understanding the outline of all its elements, and accessing it makes it easy to understand the webpage’s foundation. 
      On this line, the above discussion resolves the doubt of how to read website source code on different web browsers working over varying operating systems. This makes it easy to view, analyze, and use it. 


      Ans: Users can view page sources in Chrome without right-clicking on Linux by simply pressing “Ctrl+U” on the keyboard after opening the desired web page.

      Ans: Source code can be viewed on the Chrome web browser by pressing “Ctrl + U” on the keyboard or by right-clicking on the blank space in the web page and clicking on “View page source” in the drop-down.

      Ans: Yes, the key command “Ctrl + U” can be considered a universal command to access source code on most popular web browsers.

      Ans: Yes, Safari has the function of viewing web page source code. However, it requires enabling certain functions in the browser to access it.


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